An Invitation to Explore The Bible Project
Now that my book is finished, I’ve been thinking about how I want to use this blog in the future.
For months, I’ve been wanting to find some way to get my readers back to basic Bible study. In the political flurry of the past year, devotion to God seems to have been swallowed up by lesser allegiances, and as I look around at the limping church, I realize that we need the Bible now more than ever.
We need to study it properly, though, digging into the correct narrative and historical context. A thousand times over the past year, I've seen random verses yanked out of the Bible and manipulated for political purposes. It's exhausting and maddening to watch. No wonder Jesus said it was possible to search the Scriptures while missing him entirely. I get that now.
So, as I have been thinking/praying about this, I have been looking through different reading schedules and materials, waiting for God to show me how to address this need in my little circle of influence. Then, last night, I found this. The Bible Project.
The format reminds me a little of Radio Lab, which I love. There’s a bit of teaching, but there’s also an opportunity to read the Bible for yourself. And if you have a device that is app-compatible, there’s an application that invites super-convenient reading/study.
I'm including a video below that gives you a little introduction to the material, and I'm also including a few links so that you can watch a bit of the content yourself. I really think you're going to love this.
So, here’s my proposal. Over the next few months (starting in January), I want to go through The Bible Project with any of my blog/Facebook readers who are interested. I’m thinking twice a week, Saturdays and Wednesdays, might provide a reasonable pace for most of us. (A schedule through February is provided below.)
If you are looking for some sort of devotional to do with your families or small group study, you're welcome to invite others along.
On my end, I plan to post a little reaction to the day's video/reading after watching/reading it myself. Then you guys can interact in the comments below and on my Facebook writer page. While I’d really like to do this all year, I want to give it a test run first, just to see how it goes. So for now, let’s just try January and February. If you end up enjoying this, we can continue beyond that.
As broken as the church is sometimes, I love how God still raises up individuals and teams to address the needs of an era. The Bible Project seems to fill such an important niche in our culture, and I'm awfully excited about introducing you to it. Hopefully, we can dig in together and learn some things along the way.
Watch: "Literary Styles in the Bible" by clicking here: