The Nineveh Liturgies - Day 5 (Stewardship)
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Dear Lord,
We have not invested for the benefit of future generations. We have reaped the rich blessings of those who came before us, but we have not provided for our children.
Financially, we have spent until we owe more than we can pay. We have not taken good care of many of our natural resources. We have not studied the good laws of our land, and so we have become prey to the speech of traitorous and unwise leadership. Morally, we have created a deficit of fatherhood and motherhood that is leaving our nation’s children lost and grasping for security. We have lived for our own pleasure, at the expense of those who will come behind us.
Lord, please help us stop the consumption bleed. Make us sensitive to the generations that will come next. Help us lay ourselves aside for their good, as You put aside Yourself for ours.
Make us a nation of savers, of givers, of investors. Help us to live preparing for the needs of others.