Donald Trump and Socks and Underwear for Christmas
It's strange when we ask God for one thing and he offers another.
The friends of the lame man of Luke 5 worked so hard to reach Jesus. They went to desperate measures, cutting through a roof and lowering their buddy down on ropes, hoping that they would find the answer they were looking for.
But Jesus offered something else first -- a gift they weren't even seeking -- a gift he knew they needed more than physical healing.
I suppose "your sins are forgiven" felt like getting socks and underwear for Christmas when all you've wanted for years was that new Star Wars toy with the bells and whistles. But Jesus had a purpose for their trouble that was bigger than their biggest dreams.
So many Christians have prayed for our nation this past year. We have approached the throne of God like friends cutting through a roof trying to reach healing. "Please give us a good leader!" we have asked.
But last night a lot of us realized that if this is healing, it looks way different than what we'd hoped.
We realized that there is more wrong with the United States than a couple of broken legs (a charlatan, and a buffoon). The nominations of Clinton and Trump mean that America is jacked up by the millions, jacked up at the soul level ... which is going to call for power greater than anything we've got.
A goofed up election is not the answer we wanted, but being forced to square up to the sins of our nation is an important gift.
Without this level of serious reckoning, we could just trot on our merry ways, throw down a vote, and keep chasing life with a faith that doesn't run too deep.
Thank you, God, for loving us enough to postpone the healing we asked for.
Thank you for using even our desperation and disappointment to show us our ultimate need for you.
Thank you for forcing us to see the most dangerous problems churning under our surface.
Yes. Heal our souls before you help us walk, so that if and when you restore our mobility, we can do good instead of harm.