Rebecca K. Reynolds

Honest Company for the Journey

A Story Told Through a Toothless Grin

Look round you and see how the world is full-bellied, flushed, and pregnant.

Four fetal feet kick within her, for she is great with twins-- two primitive beauties, not tame wonders ruined by convention, instead Holst and Wagner who crash and thrum, with order enough to make you thirsty and with danger enough to keep you wide awake.

Photo Credit : Nate Powers, Morguefile

Photo Credit : Nate Powers, Morguefile


If you are brave enough to walk in the woods at the edge of spring, or courageous enough to walk along the foaming lips of the sea as a storm rolls in, you will find that all that is natural and unsullied by human hands speaks a language you've nearly forgotten.

All that has been left alone resounds, and her songs make you ache, and this is embarrassing and uncomfortable for you with all of your school of hard knocks graduate degrees, so you don't talk about it much.

But of all that is wrong in the world, is right also to ache, for this world was created to be read like a child reads.

Photo Credit : Madlyn, Morguefile

Photo Credit : Madlyn, Morguefile


Once you start to hear what she has to tell you, it will pass also before your eyes like a flicker of light, and you wonder if you have really seen anything at all. Then once you admit what has come to you, once you relax into all the possibilities that M-theory, and molecular biology, and Degas, and Pascal, and Vaughan-Williams strain to promise, you will have to shove your fingers way, way down into your ear canal to deny what is impossible to deny but difficult to believe.

Because here is a love song sung in an age of lost love, see? But do not sing it. Do not sing it! You dare not hold this melody inside you because it is too much for the frail wineskins of your mortal heart. It will burst you clean.

But if you will not run, I will tell you a story that goes like this... long, long ago the most eloquent of all poets, the most expressive of all musicians, the most nuanced painter of gold light upon blue shadows decided to create a new work of art.

This Creator decided to mold dimensions with his own hands, length, width, depth, time -- and work upon this canvas a creative being that He could love and enjoy forever and ever.

Like a papa creating a playroom for his own, the Creator designed a studio--an entire planet full of pigments, marble, wood, metals, jewels, and every element that could be harnessed to make more beauty still. He planted inspiration all round and about to teach lessons of form and balance, plants, and animals, and stars--a world full of textures, and stories, and lessons packed with inspiration.

Photo Credit : Rollingroscoe, Morguefile

Photo Credit : Rollingroscoe, Morguefile


But the Creator knew that an artist cannot be an artist without autonomy. Autonomy allows an artist to make new ideas come to life, and so the Creator took a great risk. He decided to give his created being freedom--freedom to love him or to reject him. Freedom to abide by beauty or to turn away from it.

He got down to the business of making his beloved, formed the animal body of the created, then knelt to place his own mouth around the nostrils of his new man. He exhaled His own sweet soul-life into his creature's lungs, and at that moment, his new man fluttered and quickened and became more than an animal--he became imago Dei--a being made in his Maker's own image.

And oh, this creative creature was stunning. As he stretched out his bare arms into the light of the star his Creator had made, as he opened and closed fingers nimble enough to play Kabalevsky or do a surgeon's work inside the chest of a little child-- the Creator smiled over his work and and said, "This is delightful."

The Creator wanted to keep close company with the created, a closeness very much like the Creator kept with His own God-Kind. So the Creator walked with the man and talked with him in the cool of the day.

He also warned his man of danger, for there was one who hated the freedom and the gifts of this Adam. This enemy was a proud, hateful being who despised the Creator and all he made.

The Creator implored his man to use his freedom to trust him, to recline in his lavish love, to dwell in the life of God-communion so that death would never come to this artistic paradise. (For all that is of God is life, and all that is not of God is dead and dying.) The Creator pointed north, east, west, and south and told his creature to play, to work, to revel in every luxury -- save one single barrier, one boundary that had to be respected out of trust in the wisdom and authority of the Creator.

The warning proved true and good, for the enemy of the Creator and his created did indeed come, and he was sly, and he was wicked. This enemy convinced the created to mistrust the Creator, and so the death of separation from trust in God entered the world. And in the separation of man from God, there is death, and disease, and sadness, and loneliness, and bloodshed, and hatred, and suspicion.

Instead of choosing communion with the Creator, man chose to defy Him. Instead of choosing to yield to the warm light and love of his maker, he chose to rip himself apart and stand alone in the stone cold dark.

Photo Credit: Hotblack, Morguefile

Photo Credit: Hotblack, Morguefile

The mighty Creator's heart was broken, but he had a plan for rescue even yet. Even in the day of her greatest sadness and shame, he whispered over the man and his wife, promising them that one day a descendant of the woman would crush the evil one who had deceived them.


The Creator gave her hope, but He didn't tell her how much that hope would cost.


In the years that followed, the death that the man had been warned about unfolded. The world was now plagued with trouble, violence, injustice. Humans learned the hard way that even their greatest strengths could not save them. They needed help or else death would grow until there was no life left at all.

And so the Creator did something radical. He shook off His rights and implanted an essential, vulnerable part of Himself into one of the grandchildren of the first woman. He made his infinite self small enough to fit inside of a human womb, small enough and yet vast enough to soak up all human wrongs into His own flesh.

This man-God stretched out his own arms to all the mistakes the created had ever done and said, "Beat me for them. Abuse me for them. Let the payment for my children fall upon me."

All the darkness and the ugliness of all dark and ugly things poured into the Creator's body. Though the gravity and the horror were great, though like a black hole the density of all history was pulled into a single lightless center, the Creator yielded. All death that was meant to fall upon the created, he welcomed in to kill himself instead.

Photo credit: Eduardo, Morguefile

Photo credit: Eduardo, Morguefile


And this created a vacuum inside of every soul of every person willing to offer her failures to God, a space large enough to make room for a living part of God to be implanted in her. So when this Son of God rose from the dead, his roots loosened the graveyards, his resurrection plowed up black earth souls, made them soft so that he might dig down through to plant the seed of a powerful, invisible part of His own God-nature to fill up their emptiness.

The communion that resulted from this exchange between the Creator and the created was even closer and more powerful than the communion of those first long walks in the garden. This time, the Creator wouldn't just visit His created. He would indwell them. An internal dance began between the maker and the made.

Once again there was freedom. Freedom to receive this union. Freedom to reject it. Freedom to willingly agree to trust. Freedom to unify with the giver of beauty and love. Freedom to refuse connection with him and scratch the best life possible out of death.

To woo the children of the children of the world, the Creator continued to leave whispers of His love. The crash of the sea against the rocks. The creak of old wood. The little black eyes of a fawn. The romance of His fingerprints. The ache in a chest at the end of a good story. The reaching out of a soul for a home it's never quite had.

And He left stories like trail markers, tales told by prostitutes and tough-talking fishermen. He entrusted his holiest words to the motliest crew of men and women, a rickety, traveling caravan of gypsies who cannot quite translate what they have seen, but if you are humble enough to sit at their feet, you will find mystical, magical tales of wonder.

Through toothless grins, they will tell you of buried treasures, and like a fool, like a child, you will want to listen, and you will pity them, too.

Photo Credit : Taysm, Morguefile

Photo Credit : Taysm, Morguefile

And maybe it will cross your mind that in the best stories there is always a Yoda or maybe a hideous old hag standing beside road asking a glass of milk, and that sometimes it take a week or two in the swamp to learn to become a Jedi.

For the way is narrow and few will walk it, but it is not narrow like membership in the country club, and not narrow like an SAT score, and not narrow like being born with Kate Upton's legs-- but the way is narrow as a fat little bluebird who comes to sit on a barbed wire fence, and stares at you directly, then nods as if she wants you to follow her.


The GMO Gospel

I'm an Atlas Obscura junkie. I found the site while grieving the loss of responsible American news stations, and after years of choking down Orwellian newspeak, it's been refreshing to find well-researched articles that unpack the weird and wooly history of the human race.

This morning I landed on a post from 2015 about the history of seed vaults. These are temperature and humidity-controlled chambers which preserve collections of the world's seeds so that if a global disaster wipes out agriculture, the human race will be able to plant food again.

Both my husband and I grew up as the grandchildren of farmers, so from our earliest years, we were exposed to the work of saving seeds for the next year's planting. While modern gardeners rush about to gather "heirloom" seeds, all I have to do is speak with my husband's Pappaw, and I will find tiger melon or tomato seeds that have run in the family decades.

The problem with most modern seeds is that they are highly-specialized hybrids, and many are modified genetically. A hybrid is a plant that has been developed from multiple plants, grown to resist such threats as insects, drought, or mold. Those can be helpful developments, of course. But sometimes hybrids and GMO's are either sterile, or they do not reproduce according to their kind. You get one planting out of them, one harvest, and then you must buy seeds again the next year.

Heirloom seeds, on the other hand, can be grown and regrown indefinitely. As long as cross-pollination doesn't occur, for a thousand years, the offspring of this year's seeds will reproduce the exact same fruit. Although benefits to hybrids exist, there's something wonderful about the security of this sort of genetic purity. Such a plant is dependent upon nothing but the natural rotation of the earth and the care of a good farmer to bring sustenance.

Atlas Obscura's essay, "From WWII to Syria, How Seed Vaults Weather Wars," explains how the devotion of seed vault scientists is tested during the most savage moments of human history. For example, during WWII, nine Russian scientists starved to death while protecting a seed vault during the 900-day Siege of Leningrad. Dimitri Ivanov was one of those who died of hunger while watching over thousands of packs of rice. He gave his life because he believed that the purity of the treasure he guarded had the potential to feed millions of strangers.

Interestingly, almost every major conflict of human history has also had an impact on seeds. In fact, while seed scientists have believed their work wouldn't be needed for hundreds or thousands of years, trouble in Syria required the first-ever withdrawal from Norway's Svalbard bank. Because of the crisis in Aleppo, scientists had urged deposits to be made as soon as possible. Now botanists are duplicating those preserved seeds to restock both Svalbard and the damaged lands of the Middle East once the war subsides.

As I think about the state of Christianity in modern times, I see how wars in the unseen realm have already threatened the seeds of truth and hope on a cataclysmic scale. The purity of gospel has been distorted by humanism on the left and nationalism on the right, and as a result, Christians on both sides tend to be feeding off hybrid fruits of faith that will not repropagate.

We re-create a blended theology that deflects the insects and diseases of our era, not considering the trajectory of our additions and subtractions. And this is a way to survive, I suppose. We can sell Christian books by using this strategy, and sell Christian music, and fill the plates of the masses with faith-ish blogs, and faith-ish sermons. But what will happen to this harvest when a larger disaster strikes? Will we have preserved the God-given fundamental elements of orthodoxy which are so pure that they grow life in any soil?

This is a hard question, because the original texts of the Bible are not easy. I've spent many years reading the Scripture closely and thinking very hard about the paradoxes that God allowed to remain in its pages. Verses I scoffed at when I was 20 suddenly became clear when I was 30. Passages that I accepted without flinching at 34 are more difficult for me now at 44. People who consume the Bible without ever experiencing confusion or frustration must either be far holier than I am or far more simple-minded.

But in the Bible, there is life. The word of God is living and active, though it is also primitive in places and wild in others. When my daughter was asking me about some difficult lines in II Timothy last week, I said, "Well, you know, that is one of the epistles that some scholars question. Canonicity and authorship for that book are complicated."

Then we pulled up resources that explained the questions beneath her questions. Questions about the role of women. Questions about the guilt of Eve passed down through an X chromosome. I let her see that there was nothing to fear about asking things like this, because a living God can handle it.

I told her that over time I had found something interesting about passages just like that one. Over years of walking with Jesus, I have learned that the pinch of raw Scripture can serve an important first purpose, even when historical explanations can later be uncovered to soften difficult passages. The preposterous, impossible sections of the Bible expose the limits of my obedience to a mysterious God.

After all, even if I can find an appealing explanation for the commands of II Timothy, God doesn't always make sense. I worship a God who required Abraham to sacrifice his own son. There's no historical context that could make such a request easier. It's a brutal requirement that proved a blessing, but how could Abraham have known that? Hebrews says that he trusted God to raise his son from the dead, but would that make harming him reasonable?

While the majority of the Bible shows a tender deity, there are also instances of severity so extreme that they force the division of soul and spirit. Still today, exposure to this savagery of the Word of God reveals my reluctance to trust Him beyond my own mind and gut.

No matter what I believe about the culture of the New Testament, no matter how the education of 1st century women (or whatever) impacted Paul's words to Timothy, if I am honest, the squeeze of the Bible's exact words raises a question much more important than my acceptance behind a pulpit on a Sunday morning.

Would I trust a God who asked me to keep silent, even for something so ridiculous as my gender? Would I leave a city and walk out into the wilderness if He asked me to? Would I sacrifice what I loved most for Him? Would I build an ark in a land where it never rained? Would I lay down my life, when my life is all I have known? Would I lie on my side naked and prophecy? Would I reject my impulses? My makeup? My animal instincts? My biology?

So rarely He asks bizarre, irrational behavior of his followers, but what if I were one of the ones He approached with such a dilemma? Do I hold my own reason so dearly that I would reject His leadership?

If I subsist only on culture-specialized, hybrid theology, I lose this savage edge of my faith. And after years and years of living off GMO religion, when or if God asks me to do something that conflicts with humanism or nationalism, I will not know how to plant and harvest those seeds.
This is why I try to study the Bible like a scholar while devouring it like a child. Solutions come and go, but will I give a long obedience to a God I see through a glass darkly?

I hope that as Christianity as a whole engages with an increasingly confusing world, she will feel no shame about valuing the stories and teachings of a God who has allowed fruits of mystery to grow up among his fields of rationalism. For when believers preserve pure, obedience-centered, unaltered faith, though it may require sacrifice and vision, we may also preserve life for generations to come.


Photo Credit : MorgueFile, GaborfromHungary

Photo Credit : MorgueFile, GaborfromHungary

The Ten Thousand Ways You Could Goof Up Christmas

Tis the season for holiday shame blogs. You know what I'm talking about, right? The posts that always seem to float around the airwaves this time of year...

Shame on you if you bought too many presents. You are so materialistic.

Shame on you if you are over-scheduled. You are so focused on the Christmas flurry of parties that you don't remember the reason for the season.

Shame on you if you are so zoomed in to your own little family that you don't remember the hurting in our midst and overseas.

Shame on you if you haven't focused on your children. They are growing up so quickly, and if you don't make this holiday magical, they won't have a healthy sense of wonder when they are older.

Shame on you if you Elf-on-the-Shelfed.

Shame on you if you didn't. 

Shame on you if you Christmas pajamaed.

Shame on you if you Santa Claused.

Shame on you if you decorated with so much shimmer and tchotchke that Jesus wasn't made the focus.

Christmas provides an epic convergence for every ounce of the mom guilt we feel all year long.

Eleven months of the year we deal with regular mom shame. The "health food" shame. The "chore chart" shame. The "making the kid read the book before watching the movie" shame. The "how to deal with immunizations" shame. The "providing a perfect education" shame.

But come Christmas, we set all of those concerns aside and obsess about how we are doing this one holiday all wrong.

I've been watching this wave hit every Christmas for more than a decade now, and I've finally decided that the writers of these posts are not trying to wreck our holidays by handing out guilt trips.

They are just processing their own weaknesses and tendencies, speaking out of the social and emotional pressures that have maneuvered them in the past, and seeking a corrective balance. They are saying, "Here's what I've done wrong. Here's how I want to change this year."


Readers who forward those posts are doing the same thing. They feel connected to certain writers because they share a struggle with the over-achievers who have tried to fit too much in. Or they identify with the introverts who have forgotten to look outside of their own little circle. Or they are the super-shoppers who have focused too much on "stuff," and now they want to experience more depth.

When I was a young mom, I used to feel threatened by these posts, but over time, I've learned to read them as confessions instead of as universal exhortations.

I no longer feel choked by everything I do (or don't do), just because some blogger somewhere has written about another of the ten thousand ways I have goofed Christmas up.

Because here's the thing--there's no way for every blogger to speak to every person's specific holiday needs. A single voice emerging from a single life in Heresitwhatsit, Montana might resonate with the Christmas mistakes you've made in the past. Then again, it might not.

God is the one who knows your story. He knows if you have been too into material "stuff" in years past. He knows if you need a simple celebration this year.

God is the one who knows if your marriage has been through trauma, or if your children are broken and need a quiet haven this year.

God is the one who knows if He has a plan for your voice at every single social event that you could possibly attend.

God is the one who knows if an older relative or a child will show up at your house, needing the giddiness of every nook and cranny lit up with tinsel and lights.

God is the one who knows if someone in your home needs material extravagance to unpack a lesson of grace.

God is the one who knows if you need a time of quiet and simplicity to make room to be filled up with Him.

God is the one who knows if you need to focus on giving everything away to those in dire need.

God is the one who knows if you need to spend this Christmas grieving with those who grieve.

I don't think I can make that call for you. I think this stuff is between you and God. He is the Wonderful Counselor who knows your heart and your calling.

After all, you wouldn't have read this far if you didn't want to do Christmas right, right? Your heart aches to wrap up the season knowing that you have invested your time and resources well. You don't want to mess this up.

So instead of letting all those "Don't/Do" posts become a spiritual burden to you, know that they are the stories of men and women revealing their hearts--men and women who are ultimately seeking the same God you are over the next few weeks. Learn from them, but don't let those stories trump your own. It's okay if those lives look different from yours. It's okay if their celebrations do, too.

But do make some time to talk to your Lord and ask Him to give you wisdom for your situation. Give him full reign over all your options, and ask Him to direct your hands and your feet.

Because Christmas is not a series of spiritual hoops to jump through; it's a time to honor the indwelling Lord.  He is the God who made a plan for us before the foundation of the world. All resources for His calling will be provided, so we don't have to be nervous, threatened, or strained. We just have to lean in to His current.

Emmanuel? God with us. We don't have to go this alone.

Feel that big deep breath come into your lungs? Feel the freedom and the focus?

Yes, there are a thousand ways to fail this Christmas. But there is also a living God who stands ready to walk you through a sweet, close path of celebrating His birth. That sort of intimacy--that sort of listening-- that sort of yieldednesss--is what will make this your most beautiful, meaningful Christmas ever.

Photo credit: MorgueFile (Jackileigh) 

Photo credit: MorgueFile (Jackileigh) 

Stranger in a Strange Land

Since the election, I've found myself back at the drawing board, trying to decide how to engage in the nation's culture wars. 


In times of stress, I tend to revert to my inner nerd, so my first instinct has been to emerse myself in research. Luther said that humanity tends to correct itself like a drunk man falling off a horse. First he falls to the right then to the left, and suppose I imagined that finding just the right evidence would sober the mad course of modern evangelicalism.


But even as I tried, I knew better. So many times over the past twenty years, I have seen how facts don't have the power to move mountains.


The beliefs of the average American are neither formed nor altered by reason. For the most part, our religion and our politics begin with affective impulses more than formal, cognitive research. What we believe about God and country is usually born in the gut, in the center of desire, nightmare, and imagination.


Many of us find our political and theological instincts early in life, then those instincts tend to interweave with a smattering of real life relationships. Over 15-years-worth of Thanksgivings, we hear that FDR destroyed America (or that he saved it). We hear praise or criticism of unions. We hear what happened to our aunts and uncles in California, or in rural Tennessee, or in Chicago as a result of legislation passed in D.C. All of these stories converge to form and then confirm a metanarrative that becomes a framework for how we interpret the entire world.


Few of us bother to fact check those metanarratives. They become too personal to vivisect. All of these beliefs have faces, because they are connected to people and situations we know.


Americans who don't have this sort of experience may decide that they want to be "a conservative" or "a liberal" by the cultural shadows those words cast. As broad strokes emerge--as we begin to associate conservatism with either selfless maturity or corporate greed--as we begin to associate liberality with social compassion or indulgent immaturity--we find ourselves drawn to or repulsed by the character traits of a party.


In such cases, almost unconsciously, without ever walking through a defined season of choosing, we look around one day and realize that we are settled in political and theological camps. We donate $10 to this or that and end up on 25 mailing lists for our tribe. We are told which news source people on our team actually trust. We receive power blurbs and media updates from websites that fortify our instincts, and we allow this information to harden our first impulses.


Increasingly, we feel a sense of belonging. We realize that we are Hufflepuff, Calvinist,  Republican, or Democrat, and loyalty to our people warms in our hearts. We see the elephant or the donkey, and we cheer with the whole-hearted devotion of a college football fan. Our political label is no longer just a word that represents an idea. It is now who we are.


I think that this is why the *labels* our politicians and theologians adopt to name themselves carry more weight than their actual adherence to the platforms they are supposed to represent. In 2016, an immoral, left-wing politician can simply declare himself a conservative, then go on to win the support of the Bible-belt wing of the GOP.


He doesn't need to model the ethics or the lifestyle of the moral majority. He must only wear their t-shirt, sport their logo, and find a megaphone in which to call out the five or six points of national disaster that will inevitably occur if "The Bad Guys" win. Even if he is one of the bad guys.


A few threats (real or imagined) and a label will do the whole job, because all of the real decisions have already been made.  Voter biases are stone solid, dug into the grooves of a party identity. When such have been established, only a stiff, personal consequence has a chance at changing someone's mind.


Zealots for the Affordable Care Act ignored all evidence-based warnings that this plan would actually cause health care costs to rise. These righteous souls roared and puffed about the humanity of socialized medicine until their own premiums hit the roof last month. Suddenly, Obamacare was a bad idea after all. 


This sort of burn, this severity and nothing less, is necessary before an individual will admit that what is happening in their own party is flawed. Even then, excuses will often be made. "It was a good idea with bad follow through," or that sort of thing.


I have experienced this tendency in myself in the past year as well. I have read the Republican party platform and nodded my head, let my heart be filled with nostalgia for Ronald Reagan, entrusted my deep conservatism to an institution that slowly veered from the labels it has given itself. 


I did not notice that we were no longer who I wanted us to be. I refused to notice.


It took the election of Donald Trump; it took his seething hatred, his haughty lies, his misogyny; it took watching leaders in the Republican party overlook his abhorrent character and methods, washing their hands of the matter and saying, "Let the people have Babies rabbas" for me to finally wake up to reality.


It took the mass evangelical embrace of Donald Trump, the bizarre behavior of Metaxas, Huckabee, and Carson, to help me finally realize that I no longer fit inside of political party willing to embrace a dastardly, vile, populist leader who actively defies nearly every teaching central to my faith.


It is difficult for me to explain how excruciating, how frightened I am by the realization I no longer belong in the GOP. After all, I am not a liberal. I am a true conservative who has been excommunicated. 


I am a survivor of a rabid virus that has infected the mind of my party, and like a vagrant wandering away from the epidemic, I am not sure quite where to go yet.


I have awakened inside that scene from the Matrix, asked to swallow one of two pills, one that will allow me to see ugly truth and the other which will allow me to slip into comfortable oblivion, the world as I knew it before. But now I know that what is familiar is not what I had hoped it was.


Not only must I decide this for myself; my conclusions will impact how I spend my time and energy. They will influence how I try to influence others, many of whom have already fallen fast asleep because they have taken the pill of least resistance.


As I've been weighing all this, I have been reading the book of Joshua. This is a beautiful, difficult book to read if you have any heart at all. It is no small irony that the chorus is, "Be strong and courageous," for Joshua isn't the only one who must be brave. The reader of this book must exhibit fortitude as well, for in the first few chapters, God commands the slaughter of women and children to make room for the people of God. He causes the sun to stand still. (Physics, anyone?) Without apology, God defies what we would expect of both morality and nature.


And by the way, to think that primitive people were oblivious to the strain of either is to underestimate them grossly. This book has always been difficult, but it has also always been mighty. For in it we also find burning, glorious truths amid the dark Ungit-like fog of holy (sometimes off-putting) mystery.


I have been particularly moved by the dance of the ark of the covenant before the people of God. For the most part, the ark goes first on this journey. In fact, there is to be a 2,000 cubit distance between the people and the ark, so that they would be able to see to follow it.


"For you have not passed this way before," the text says. Because when moving into uncharted territory, the presence of God must make a path clear for all who follow. This dependence is so beautiful, a moment by moment, step by step, reliance upon the nuances of the Lord.


Then while marching around Jericho, we find a command for the people of God to keep utterly silent until the moment God tells them to make noise. My heart pounds thinking about a company so large, moving in a hush for seven full days, not even whispering until the trumpets blast and they are told to shout--not in threats against their enemies--but out of celebration that the city has already been given to them.


I've been rolling all this over and over in my sore heart. I'm rolling over the fact that the manna stopped the minute it was no longer necessary. Rolling over God's ability to exalt His chosen leaders so that they would be heard. And as this story pumps through my veins, I conclude that I am small, and dependent, and terrifically happy to be both.


Even if the world has gone mad, the presence of God may yet go before us.  Even if my leaders have failed, and even if the prophets have worshipped Baal, God can open the necessary paths for those willing to follow Him.


God may allow a haughty political party to hide behind its walls of fear and fury while sending a small band of children to walk in silent rounds of obedience. He may ask for nothing to be said at all, not until the moment of revelation appears.


Or He may ask for us to share what we know once to test the waters, and then say, "if anyone will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet when you leave that house or town."


In a season of disorientation, all of this is a tremendous comfort. I see how it is not up to me to change anybody's mind. It is not up to me to go where God has not sent me. The ark goes before, and when He wants me to shout because He has given His glory a victory, my voice needs to be ready to celebrate.

Photo Credit: Mourge File (msthurnell)

Photo Credit: Mourge File (msthurnell)

Until the Lord Gives Rest to Your Brothers


As a first-born kid, I tend to feel too much responsibility for problems that I can't fix. Many of the lessons I've had to learn over the past twenty years boil down to "letting God be God" and not trying to do his work for him.


However, there are some situations when we need to walk away from our own comfort and security and take risks to help others with a cause. Sometimes we need to carry one another's burdens, even when it's hard, even when it's risky.


Last night I was reading the book of Joshua, and two verses popped out that I had never noticed before. These verses appear after Israel left Egypt, when two-and-a-half tribes were already settled into their new cities. After a long journey through the desert, these elite few were finally living in peace and ease.


However, the remaining tribes were still displaced. For these people, more battles stood between their homelessness and their security.


Joshua approaches the settled tribes and says, "Hey, I know you have it good right now. But you also have an obligation to help make sure all those other Israelites who aren't settled find their homes, too. You gotta help a brother out.  So get out of your Laz-E-Boys, leave your comfort for a while, and come join the fight. And I don't want you to rest until all of Israel feels as secure as you feel right now."


Joshua tells the biggest, strongest men to leave their wives, kids, and livestock, and walk through all their waiting brothers from the other tribes (which would make an amazing movie scene, if you think about it), then fight for them "until the Lord gives rest to your brothers as he has to you, and they also take possession of the land that the Lord your God is giving to them."


"Until the Lord gives rest to your brothers as he has to you."


I love that this sort of costly human service is part of God's generosity. Just look at that last verse, "the land that the Lord your God is giving to them." Sometimes God uses the sacrifices of his people to accomplish his good on this planet.


Think about a time in your life when you were feeling fatigued from travel, beaten down, homesick, afraid. Imagine how it would have felt to see a huge band of your best friends and their best friends show up and say, "We got this. We're going to help you." Imagine your relief in realizing, "They are taking on my cause. I don't have to do this by myself any more."


With Trump's election, a lot of conservative Christians feel room to take a breather. We feel like the Supreme Court will be okay. With both Senate and House dominated by Republicans, we may believe a disaster was averted, that God blessed our cause, and therefore, we can go on with life as normal.


It would be easy now to turn a blind eye to what other people groups around us are still suffering. We could dismiss the struggles of sincere refugees or racial minorities, feeling like it's not really our problem to fight those battles. We might even try to pretend like their problems aren't real or widespread. It feels so much better to just get on with enjoying day-to-day pleasures, making money, raising our kids.


But even though we can't apply God's Old Testament commission for Israel directly to America today, we can see that universal principles of godly living exist within this text. The New Testament reaffirms that those who are comfortable are not supposed to settle down in their abundance while the desperate and displaced are in need of assistance.


So who is in need around me? Even if I feel safe, who doesn't? Which stories do I need to hear that would show me what's really going on? What hard realities would never be a part of my world if I didn't do the work of trying to understand?


The settled tribes could have easily ignored the trouble of their brothers. They could have said, "Listen. I'd love to help, but I am fighting to get my own life in order right now." They could have said, "I finally realize how dangerous the world is, and so I need to get busy making a nest egg." They could have said, "I really just need to focus on my own stuff right now. My family has been been through an awful 40 years of wandering in the desert, and we have earned some time off."


Or as they felt the pull to help, they could have chosen to focus on the faults of the other tribes. "I never really liked the Levites anyway. They are such snobs. This will be good for them." Or maybe, "Judah could have prepared for this long ago. This is just how their people are. They always expect a bailout, and I'm not going to be an enabler here." They could have said, "Not my battle. I put in my time."


They could have made the same sort of excuses we make today. But how much more beautiful would it be if the church of Jesus refused to settle down into a sense of legislative safety while our brothers and sisters who are made in God's image are hurting?


Are we willing to see that until all of us are secure, none of us should relax? Are we willing to internalize the pain of those who don't feel comfortable right now? How can we take the focus off our own ease and rally to the front lines on behalf of those in need until the Lord gives the same rest to our brothers that he has given to us?


Photo credit: MorgueFile jkt_te

Photo credit: MorgueFile jkt_te

How to Win an Election in Which Everybody is a Loser

It's going to happen. It's really, really going to happen. Unless something crazy turns up, a week from now, we're going to have one of two terrifically bad candidates as our new President elect.

As this uncomfortable truth has been settling in, most of us have been asking questions about the changes either candidate might bring to our lives. We've worried about the Supreme Court, health insurance premiums, gun rights, religious liberties, the economy--and those are important considerations. We've been weighing pros and cons, looking for the best case of two bad case scenarios.

Yet as Christians, we can also make additional preparations to help those around us in the upcoming months. And because of the nature and platform of each candidate, we might be able to look along the trajectory of the core emotions and policies each candidate feeds and begin to pray that God would make our hearts and souls ready to tend the cultural needs that are likely to surface no matter who wins on November 8.

Of course, we don't want to prepare in a way that negates dependence on the Holy Spirit. Jesus told his disciples, "When they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say." (I don't mean that we're going to suddenly start being arrested for our faith. My emphasis here is on our constant need to rely upon the indwelling God in difficult times.) But Peter also advocated readiness when he wrote, "Always ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have." So perhaps we can do a little of this latter sort of heart-prep as we consider the next few years of our earthly citizenship.

Below are some of my thoughts. Depending on the part of the country in which you live, and depending on the circles in which you run, this plan may differ some from person to person. I am not asking you to adopt my plan; but maybe looking at some of my thoughts will help you develop ideas of your own? At least for me, something about thinking like this helps bring hope and focus during chaos.

I. If Trump wins, am I prepared to be KIND?

A. Am I willing to live against his campaign's zeitgeist of hateful, fear-based, dismissive rhetoric and engage with the non-believing world with fair, calm, responsible words and thoughts? How can I be a lighthouse in the storm that he and his followers have exacerbated?

B. How will I find ways to listen to the stories of the marginalized and care about injustice they have experienced? How can I move away from categorical dismissal of "people like that" and start to live in compassion for men and woman created in God's image? Am I willing to look for ways to serve them and help their stories be heard? Am I willing to take time to get involved instead of just blaming and ignoring them because they are different from me?

C. Am I willing to engage with women in a way that acknowledges that they have worth beyond their sexuality? Am I willing to see the gender prejudices deeply embedded in our culture and do what I can to help women move from objectification to a place of mutual respect? When friends of mine make comments or life decisions that belittle females, am I willing to be honest about what I see instead of perpetuating the problem with my silence?

D. Am I willing to take a hard look at damage done to American Christianity by politicization? Will I pull my donations and my allegiance away from religious leaders and organizations that valued politics more than faith when forced to choose between them? And will I begin instead to help with causes and pastors who have taught that the gospel produces real social change when a living God dwelling within a living soul starts transforming individuals and communities instead of primarily by to-down legislative power?

E. Will I have the courage to love those groups often considered enemies to conservative politics? Will I begin to pray for them seriously? Will I begin to care what happens to their souls instead of just caring about how they might restrict my life and resources? Atheists? Homosexuals? Muslims? Abortionists? Which people groups cause a knee-jerk reaction in me? What has Christ told me to do for those I consider opponents?

II. If Clinton wins, am I prepared to be BRAVE?

A. Am I willing to continue to do hard things with a grateful and trusting heart as my freedom constricts? In what spirit will I accept hardship? Will I trust God when I am hurt physically or emotionally for my faith? Will I continue to sing hymns and praise God like Paul did in prison, or will I attempt to look like a martyr and find ways to manipulate the news so that I can complain about Christian oppression?

B. Am I willing to continue to speak truth if my culture begins to villainize orthodoxy? When it is considered a threat to share what I know is true, will I continue to share it? How will I do this? When pressure to approve of what God declares wrong increases, will I hold to what is eternal or conform to what is passing?

C. As abortion becomes more and more prevalent, how will I care for pregnant women in crisis? How will I care for women who did not have abortions but who made the hard choice to keep inconvenient babies? How will I tend women who have been so deeply damaged by abortions that they are now emotionally incapacitated? Am I willing to adopt or foster unwanted children, even if this is costly economically, relationally, spiritually?

D. As attacks are launched against the church of Jesus, am I willing to give more of myself to the body of Christ? If tax benefits are reduced, if opposition rises against telling the truth about what the Bible says, will I dig deeper into my community of faith and find ways to support the mission? Will I be loyal? Will I be forgiving and mature? Will I give more heartily than I have ever given before?

E. As our country's safety is increasingly compromised to hostile exterior forces, will I find ways to be a good steward of everything I own to help with the communal good? How can I be a refuge to those who are in need in times of crisis? Am I prepared to host displaced American families? Do I have training in disaster preparedness? Am I ready to offer physical provisions to those who are hungry, battered, cold?

- - -

Some of these possibilities may be extreme. However, in a time when so many of us are being stoked by terror-driven "what if's," there might be some benefit to accepting the worst possibilities and then engaging with those possibilities as potential givers instead of as reactionaries.

One of my favorite family stories is told about my great grandmother. During the Depression, she wandered through the woods to collect edible wild greens for hungry families who had lots of children. She thought the nutrients would be good for the little ones, and this was one way she could continue to be generous when there was so little to give.

By this sort of thinking, we can live a purposeful life, even if dark times are ahead. We can make the most of what is to come and spread the gospel by good deeds. We can let our light shine on a hill and provide hope and resources, no matter which candidate sits in the Oval Office.

Photo Credit: Morguefile (Pippalou) 

Photo Credit: Morguefile (Pippalou) 

Acts 16

They were stripped bare as the Holocaust,

beaten with rods blow upon blow,

thrown bloody-backed and bruised

into the iron gut of government injustice.


Sucking in air that stank of urine,

feces, and fear of death,

in the bowels of the prison

their feet were bound, but here they sang

like two children running across a grassy field.



for they expected no more

of our broken earth

than it can offer to any of us;

they made no appeals to the powers of men

but stretched their sore, torn necks

against those filthy walls

and reminded one another of the God

who burns light in dark, stale places.


They sang and they prayed,

looking straight up Hope's beam of light,

through all those tomb stones,

square into God's wide, lush heaven

and found that a prison built

by the measly hands of men

shivered and broke loose at its joints.

Faith is a sonic boom.


Then like two fishermen with a thin line

thrown on a red-and-white bobber,

they waited,

knowing that their liberty was already sealed

as was their bond.


They lingered,

letting the holy current toy with their bait

while they held fast, held firm,

held still as their Christ did.


He could have roared off His cross

yet remained alert, primed, ears perked

and hardly breathing

so that He could listen to His Father

like a cowboy with his ear to a train track,

then conform, comply,

complete the whole task of trust

until it was finished.